"Let us teach you to dive!"

Eco-Scuba Birmingham offers PADI courses for all ages

Here is a list of PADI courses we are now offering.  Please check back over the coming months and we will be adding more courses for you to choose from.  We conduct our training at our brand new dive center or we can come to your pool (check local rules).  We have all the training materials onsite for you or you can use the PADI E-learning and come ready to dive.  Thank you for looking!

PADI Courses:  (special discounts for all public service empolyees and full time students, please contact us for info)

PADI Open Water Diver-
This course is our most requested.  It allows you to dive with other qualified divers without supervision.  The minimum age is 15 and you can dive to 18 meters/60 feet. 

PADI Advanced Open Water-
This course is the next step after your Open Water diver.  It is 5 scuba dives and alot of fun.  You must be a Junior or Open water diver to complete this course. 

PADI Junior Scuba Diver-
The first step for becoming an open water diver (for anyone 10 years of age and under the age of 15).  This is a great way to get your kids involved in diving.  After certification, a 10 or 11 year old must dive with a PADI Professional.  Dives do not exceed 12 meters/ 40 feet.

PADI Junior Open Water-
Same as a Open Water certificate (max age is 14) but for a 10 and 11 year old they must dive with a parent, guardian, or PADI professional and dives do not exceed 12 meters/40 feet.

PADI Scuba Diver-
This course is great for people with little time to learn or you plan to always dive in groups or with PADI professionals.  The minimum age is 15 and dives do not exceed 12 meters/40 feet. 

Discover Snorkeling-  
Introduces you to the underwater world.  This is not a training course, but rather an assistance or guiding service to make your trip more enjoyable. There is no minimum age and there are no prerequisite certifications.

Skin Diver-
Lets you explore the underwater world using only a mask, snorkel, fins and buoyancy-control device.  The minimum age is 8 years and there are no prerequisite certifications. 

PADI Seal Team-
Provides a way for the younger student divers to get involved with diving, learning and enjoying the underwater world until they are old enough to enroll in the PADI Junior Scuba Diver or PADI Open Water course.  It provides parents with a structured program that helps the kids develop skills, learn about the underwater world and have alot of fun.  The minimum age is 8 years and there are no prerequisite certifications.

Provides a introduction to scuba diving in a shallow and confined swimming pool for younger student divers, under close supervision. The minimum age is 8 years and there are no prerequisite certifications. 

Discover Scuba Diving-
Introduces you to the world of Scuba Diving.  Helps you understand how the equipment works and that diving is a safe and enjoyable sport for everyone.  Once certain requirements are met you may earn credits toward PADI Scuba Diver and Open Water Certificates.  The minimum age is 10 years and there are no prerequisite certifications.  

Scuba Review-
Designed for certified divers who has been out of the sport for some time and would like to refresh their skills and update their dive knowledge.  The minimum age is 10 years and the prerequisite certification is Open Water Diver or qualifying rating. 

Discover Local Diving-
Another way for divers who haven't been in the water for a while to get back into diving.  Also if you are on a dive holiday, you might like someone to show you around local dive sites or sites with different characteristics and than you are use to.  The minimum age is 10 years and the prerequisite certifications are PADI(Junior) Scuba Diver or qualifying rating. 

Aware-Coral Reef Conservation-
This course is used to inform divers and non-divers about the future of the world's coral reefs.  It explains how the reefs function and why they are so important.  It reviews why many reefs are in trouble and what you can do to help prevent further decline.  The course will give you the understanding of how to interact on your next reef dive.   It is a non-diving course that contains classroom presentations. 

Peak Performance Buoyancy-
This course is used to make the open water diver's buoyancy control better than it already is.  The goal of the course to to polish the skills already learned through skills and practice. 

Project AWARE Specialist-
This course is used to inform divers and non-divers about the future of our aquatic ecosystems.  It teaches you what you can do to help protect our underwater resources.  It is a non-diving course that contains classroom presentations. 

EFR (Emergency First Response)-
This course offers first aid and secondary aid for divers and non divers.  Anyone can take this course, there no prerequisites or minimum age. 

EFR CFC (Care for Children)-
This course is similar to EFR but concentrates on children.  This course can be taken with the EFR.  Anyone can take it and there are no prerequisites or minimum age. 

A must for teachers, nannies and anyone who works with kids.  There is no minimum age and no prerequisites.  

Emergency Oxygen Provider-
This course gives you the basic knowledge to provide emergency oxygen to divers. This course can also be taught along with the EFR courses.  There are no prerequisites, but CPR (included in the EFR) is recommended.  *

PADI Rescue Diver-
This is a great course for you after your advance diver rating.  It teaches you rescue techniques for yourself and other divers.  Minimum age is 15 (12 years for a Junior Rescue Diver) and the prerequisite is Advance or Junior Advanced Open Water, (Junior) Rescue Diver or other qualifying ratings and 5 PADI Specialties.

This is the first of the PADI Professional levels.  It is a great course to learn more about the diving industry, opportunities and leadership within the diving world.  The minimum age is 18 and the prerequisites are Advance Open Water and Rescue Diver or qualifying ratings. **

*excludes PADI fees
**excludes PADI fees and materials

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